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Throughout my time in Dominican, I was helping out with the Fashion Show. My Junior Year of my college career, I was deeply involve for the Class of 2017. I assisted in helping the Senior Photo shoot bringing in and moving sets to create an artistic atmosphere for the photographer. I modeled in a few pieces thus becoming a big help.

I also helped out with the Class of 2017 Dresser Committee with getting everything in order and organize. Assigning a class garment to each model during their fittings to putting garments into racks by models.

For the Fashion Show, I helped with one of the Senior Designer to choreograph the show. Coming with new poses and walks for each section of the show. It was a fun experience and I am glad that I was offered to assist anyway I can.


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I was inspired by an underclassman designer of a scrap projects that she did. She made dress of scrap fabrics that every students have left to throw away. In order to do this, she placed boxes that is meant to collect scraps onto the tables and let it accumulate.

I find this environmentally friendly and decided that I should do the same. I created a scrap drawer. Therefore, all of the scrap fabric that I collected throughout the year will be donated and recycled. This way it reduces fabric waste and pollution will be cut down.

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